Marcela Sedláčková

Birthday: 1926-03-06
Deathday: 1969-04-12
Gender: Female
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
1967-01-13 Never Strike A Woman... Even with A Flower
1966-12-09 Flám
1966-09-30 Lady on the Tracks
1966-01-14 Škola hříšníků
1965-05-21 Úplně vyřízený chlap
1965-03-12 Bubny
1964-05-15 Do You Keep a Lion at Home?
1964-02-25 Defendant
1964-02-21 Among Us Thieves
1963-10-25 On the Tightrope
1962-09-07 Zelené obzory Martha's Mother (voice)
1960-09-02 Zkouška pokračuje member of the Young Stage
1959-12-25 The Young Lady from the Riverside
1958-12-13 Today for the Last Time žena ve vinárně
1958-09-19 Morálka paní Dulské
1958-06-27 Kasaři Kosík's companion
1958-04-18 Páté kolo u vozu Editress
1956-11-23 A Life at Stake secretary Müllerová
1955-11-25 Angel in the Mountains Spofana worker
1955-02-11 Once Upon a Time, There Was a King... dvorní dáma
1949-09-23 Hostinec „U kamenného stolu“
1949-06-10 Pan Novák Pánková
1946-07-05 The Avalanche
1946-03-08 13th district prostitutka
1946-01-25 Magical River