Gunnar Tolnæs

Birthday: 1879-12-07
Deathday: 1940-11-09
Birthplace: Oslo, Norway
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
Meister Spitzbube Alexander Steen
1928-10-24 Sex in Chains Fabrikant Rudolf Steinau
1926-10-09 The Sleeping House Richard Torp
1926-08-24 Maharadjahens yndlingshustru III
1925-09-07 Hennes lilla majestät
1924-12-26 Little Dorrit Arthur Clennam
1924-09-15 The Little Austrian
1924-04-07 My Friend the Detective
1924-02-23 Honeymoon Island
1922-03-20 The Hand of Fate Erik Sørensen, herredsfoged
1921-09-22 Mirrors of the Soul
1921-08-12 Sturmflut des Lebens Dr. Heinz Sanden
1921-04-18 Prometheus
1921-01-20 Die Lieblingsfrau des Maharadscha The Maharaja of Odhapur
1920-03-18 A Romance of Riches
1919-12-22 Lykkelandet
1919-10-27 Maharadjahens yndlingshustru II
1919-03-17 Hendes Helt
1918-12-06 A Friend of the People Ernst Kamp - Typographer
1918-02-22 A Trip to Mars Avanti Planetaros
1918-01-05 Mands Vilje
1917-12-10 The Pierrot Jean Riot
1917-02-12 Livets Gøglespil
1917-01-31 A Prince of Bharata The Maharaja
1916-08-10 His Innocent Dupe Jurian Fox - Detective
1915-01-18 När konstnärer älska
1914-10-19 Children of the Streets Karl Sterner