Charlie Skinner-Cheverie

Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
Tin Roof Camper
2024-10-12 Live Laugh Die Missing Person
2024-08-02 Air Fryer Slaughter Tater Tot / Cowboy Jim Cowpoke
2023-11-21 The Art Of Killing School Standout Recipient
2023-05-26 Desperate Souls Bar Owner's Son
2023-02-27 Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the Clown Charlie
2022-11-01 Bathtub Shark Attack Andy
2022-10-03 It Came From Somewhere Victim / Screamer
2022-09-01 Killer Poop 2: Amityville Poo Poop Victim