Nikolai Pastukhov

Birthday: 1923-05-13
Deathday: 2014-05-23
Birthplace: Bryansk Oblast, Russia
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2004-09-22 Beginning of the Path
2004-09-01 Black Ball
2001-08-17 Celebration
1997-03-01 Resentment
1997-01-17 Middle Age Crisis
1995-09-15 Mute Witness Janitor
1994-06-09 Police Academy: Mission to Moscow Patriarch
1993-06-06 Wandering Sagittarius Ded Germana
1991-04-08 Lost in Siberia Uncle Misha
1991-01-01 How Is It Going, Crucians? полковник Иннокентий Всеволодович Картошкин
1991-01-01 The Wilderness
1990-12-21 The Russia House Uncle Matvey
1990-01-01 According to 206... секретарь райкома
1989-12-30 Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District Зиновий Борисович
1989-12-01 The Humble Cemetery
1989-06-06 Avariya - Cop's Daughter Valeria's grandfather
1989-01-01 Forever - 19
1988-12-25 Presumption of Innocence Pyotr Nikitich
1988-01-01 Одно воскресенье
1987-01-01 The Christians
1986-01-01 Personal Interest Aleksey Kuntzevich
1985-05-27 Такой странный вечер в узком семейном кругу
1984-06-05 Investigator by Profession Gubanov
1983-10-11 Burn, Burn Bright
1983-08-21 A Few Drops Андрей Иванович
1982-03-24 We Lived Next Door Ivan Dmitriyevich
1980-09-22 The Wedding Day Has to Be Specified Петр Андреевич Шитов
1980-01-01 Three Years
1979-12-18 Oblomov Stoltz's father
1978-08-10 Players
1978-03-09 On the Day of the Holiday Grinin
1978-01-01 On the Eve of the Premiere Ivan Maksimovich
1977-09-05 An Unfinished Piece for Player Piano Porfiry Semyonovich Glagolyev
1976-09-27 A Slave of Love writer
1976-01-01 From Dawn Till Sunset
1974-11-11 At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own Липягин
1973-01-10 With You and Without You
1972-08-25 The Station Master
1970-10-01 Uncle Vanya Iliya Ilich Telyegin
1961-09-24 The Taming of the Shrew