Aleksandr Chislov

Birthday: 1964-10-13
Deathday: 2019-08-29
Birthplace: Groznyy, RSFSR, USSR
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2021-09-08 A Siege Diary
2021-01-11 Woman's View
2020-11-11 #c_училища Егор
2020-10-11 The Savage
2019-02-28 Passenger from San Francisco
2018-01-01 Марджандже
2016-06-16 The Man from the Future Меркурьев
2015-05-07 Lord of Time
2014-08-08 Hello, I'm Your Dad!
2013-09-05 12 Months
2013-04-17 Legend No. 17
2013-03-06 Мексиканский вояж Степаныча
2013-01-07 Prodavets igrushek
2013-01-01 The Savior
2012-09-13 Здрасьте, приехали! клиент интернет-магазина «Юла»
2010-05-28 Zalez na Lunu дядя Миша («Косой») аферист
2009-01-22 The Best Movie 2 Гитлер
2008-01-01 Телохранительница
2007-08-16 The Hollow
2007-06-29 My mother is the snow maiden
2007-04-05 One Love in a Million
2006-06-06 Beshenye Dengi
2006-01-10 Stepanych Spanish Voyage Assistant
2005-12-01 The Spot
2004-12-30 New Year is Cancelled! Dumbass
2004-12-09 Bomb for the Bride Ex-Groom
2004-09-01 Black Ball
2003-12-18 Kolkhoz Entertainment
2003-12-12 Railway Romance
2002-06-15 Master of the "Empire" Lyosha
2002-01-01 Special report, or Superman of the day Костя
1997-08-31 The Thief
1996-02-02 A Terrible Thought
1995-05-05 The Fatal Eggs Petka
1994-05-01 Ryaba, My Chicken секретарь
1993-09-11 Dreams
1993-06-06 Ne Strelyayte v Passazhira зазывала
1993-01-01 About Businessman Foma
1992-08-19 A Very Faithful Wife
1992-05-17 Cold
1992-01-01 Ticket to Red Theater, or Death of Coffin-Digger
1992-01-01 Arbiter
1991-12-31 The Case чиновник
1991-12-01 Scorpion Poison
1991-07-02 Hag-Kharms
1991-04-01 Maestro With Thread
1991-02-01 100 Days Before the Command Zyrin
1990-12-04 Cloud Heaven priyatel Filomeeva
1990-11-01 Mariya Magdalina Kolya
1990-06-01 The Trial Court Clerk
1990-01-25 Spanish Actress for Russian Minister эпизод
1990-01-01 Purification
1989-06-06 Bespredel "Moidodyr"