Michal Dočolomanský

Birthday: 1942-03-25
Deathday: 2008-08-26
Birthplace: Nedeca, Slovenský štát [teraz Poľsko]
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned

Michal Dočolomanský (* March 25, 1942, Nedeca, Slovak state, today Poland - † August 26, 2008, Bratislava) was a Slovak actor, singer, moderator and imitator.

His father Rudolf (1899 - 1954) worked as a teacher in Transylvania, Romania, among Slovaks there. There he married Florian (1915-1995), a Romanian woman who was sixteen years younger than him. They had a total of 10 children. In 1942, they moved to the village of Nedeca, which then belonged to the Slovak state, where the son Michal was born in the same year. At the end of the Second World War, the family moved to Slovakia. Initially they lived in Mlynčeky (Kežmarok district), then in the village of Nebojsa (now part of Galanta, where his father worked as a primary school principal. They moved to Svätý Jur after his death in 1954. The mother died in 1995 and is buried with her husband at the cemetery in Slávič Valley.

After graduating from elementary school, Michal Dočolomanský trained as a car mechanic. As a child, he devoted himself to amateur theater in Svätý Jur, and his hobbies were also gymnastics, and later gliding. He graduated in acting in 1964 at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and has been a member of the Slovak National Theater since then.

He died on August 26, 2008 in the morning at the Department of Pneumology and Phthisiology of the University Hospital with a polyclinic in Ružinov, Bratislava. He succumbed to lung cancer at the age of 66.

He has acted in many Slovak and Czech films, in television series such as Sváko Ragan (1976), The Eleventh Commandment (1977), The Engineering Odyssey (1979), Insurgent History (1984), Elizabeth's Court (1986), Mountain Service (1998) and films Three Chestnut Horses (1966), Generation (1969), Copper Button (1970), Zypa Cupák (1976), Studio (1990) and many other television productions.

In the successful play Na skle maľované, he played the title role of Jánošík from 1974 to 2002 (the performance recorded 642 reruns). In the Slovak version, he spoke all the characters of the Polish evening film Macko Uško.

- 1982 - Deserved Artist Award

- 31 August 2007 - Ľudovít Štúr 1st Class Council - for extraordinary services to the development of Slovakia and the spread of goodwill abroad

Memorial plaque at the birth house in Nedec, July 10, 2010, in memoriam


Year Title Character
2007-04-18 Bestiář
2002-03-28 Coal Tower otec Jakuba
1994-01-01 Princezná v ježovej koži
1993-01-01 Eros a Psycha
1993-01-01 Domovníkov syn
1993-01-01 Muzikál
1992-01-01 Neznámy
1992-01-01 Stratený list
1991-11-14 Corpus delicti
1991-07-23 Anorexia mentalis
1991-01-01 Koleso osudu
1991-01-01 Amonina pomsta Gookin
1990-01-01 Garsónka
1990-01-01 Piata pečať
1990-01-01 Puto najsilnejšie
1989-10-23 Právo na minulosť
1988-07-21 Eugene Onegin Eugene Onegin
1988-01-01 Parazit
1988-01-01 Dva tucty červených ruží
1988-01-01 Ako si Grétička trochu zdriemla
1988-01-01 Stilmondský Starosta
1988-01-01 Ghosts of the Dormers Vilda
1987-01-01 Pávie pierko König
1987-01-01 Zásnuby
1986-01-01 Cena odvahy Inženýr Daňo Záruba
1986-01-01 Tiene v raji
1986-01-01 Sen o kováčovi
1986-01-01 Vynález
1985-06-06 Werther Albert
1985-05-31 Dutý kameň
1985-01-01 Ulička stratených snov
1985-01-01 Borgis
1985-01-01 Snopy z piesku
1985-01-01 Tri krát tri je deväť
1984-05-01 Mŕtvi učia živých Ing. Emil Oršula
1984-01-01 Profesor na bielom koni 1. profesor
1984-01-01 Kura
1984-01-01 Mariša Francek
1984-01-01 Seminárna práca
1983-09-06 The Millennial Bee Valent
1983-01-01 Samej mi je smutno
1983-01-01 Bola som z olova
1983-01-01 Šanca
1983-01-01 Husiarka a kráľ Kráľ Martin
1982-05-28 Plavčík a Vratko King Svetoslav
1982-03-20 Dvanásť nahnevaných mužov
1982-01-01 Pražská terčovnica
1982-01-01 Vlci
1982-01-01 Bite sa, pán Jedlinský!
1982-01-01 Oddychový čas (pre sudcu)
1982-01-01 Trojklanný nerv
1982-01-01 Zločin a pokánie
1981-10-02 The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians Count Teleke of Tölökö
1981-06-26 Night Riders Marek Oban
1981-01-06 Čisté vody
1981-01-01 Zaujímaví muži
1981-01-01 Malé zlaté slnko
1981-01-01 Emília Galottiová Marinelli
1981-01-01 Ruleta
1981-01-01 Maškaráda
1980-03-31 Druhovia
1980-02-26 Dnes platí regulačný stupeň č. 6
1980-01-01 Sobota, nedeľa, pondelok
1980-01-01 Sivá hmla
1980-01-01 Generálka (uncredited)
1980-01-01 Na skle maľované Jánošík
1979-08-24 Poéma o svedomí
1979-06-15 Sneh pod nohami
1979-02-23 Pustý dvor
1979-01-01 Dve frašky Belák (segment "Bohatý okrádač") / Svoreň (segment "Pytač")
1978-11-20 Článok na prvú stranku
1978-08-04 Adela Has Not Had Supper Yet Detective Nick Carter / Larry Matejka
1978-05-05 Súkromná vojna Rub (voice)
1978-03-17 The Lawyer Ing. Pavol Javorský (voice)
1978-02-17 Vítězný lid
1978-01-20 Penelopa
1978-01-01 Elektra
1978-01-01 Koníček Hrbáčik (voice)
1978-01-01 Riziko
1978-01-01 Horúci dych
1978-01-01 Ežo Vlkolinský
1978-01-01 Gábor Vlkolinský
1977-12-26 Orol a lastovička
1977-08-05 Stratená dolina
1977-07-08 Škola klebiet
1977-01-31 Obhajoba sa nekoná
1977-01-01 Keby skriňa bola oknom
1977-01-01 Krásna Pramíla
1976-12-20 Zypa Cupak
1976-04-16 Tetované časom Engineer (voice)
1976-01-01 Sváko Ragan Alexander Elo
1975-12-10 Horúčka
1974-12-26 Lucrezia Borgia
1974-12-24 Škriatok
1974-10-04 Do zbrane, kuruci
1974-08-05 Mont Oriol
1974-01-18 Skrytý prameň
1974-01-01 Podkovičky za korunu
1973-12-24 Svetlo na spodnej haluzi Števo
1973-04-27 Days of Betrayal
1973-01-01 Kamaráti
1973-01-01 Hadí princ
1973-01-01 Hriech Kataríny Padychovej
1972-12-25 Bačova žena
1972-12-14 Zajtra bude neskoro Brauniss
1971-12-25 Hájnikova žena Artuš Villáni
1971-09-20 Dvaja
1971-05-21 Zlozor
1971-04-11 Ľahučký dych
1971-01-01 Klinko a Kompit kráľ
1971-01-01 Básnikova cesta do neba
1971-01-01 Bírbal a sprisahanci
1971-01-01 O ametystovom kvete
1970-11-30 Vassa Železnovová
1970-10-26 Pred západom slnka
1970-09-25 Naši pred bránami
1970-08-28 The Copper Tower Physician
1968-12-20 Riders in the Sky George (voice)
1968-11-29 Dialogue 20-40-60 Man 1 (segment "The Sixty-Year-Olds")
1968-08-11 Колония Ланфиер
1968-01-01 Hostinec pod gaštanom
1968-01-01 In The Hour Of Fear...
1968-01-01 Peter a Lucia
1968-01-01 Dobrodružstvo pri obžinkoch Ľudovít
1966-11-28 Líšky dobrú noc
1966-01-01 Na brehu priezračnej rieky
1966-01-01 Zlaté jabĺčko
1966-01-01 Tri gaštanové kone
1965-01-01 Máje
1964-08-28 Every Week Seven Days Štefan
1964-01-01 Soľ nad zlato
1963-12-25 A Face in the Window
1963-04-05 Trip on the Danube Miško
1963-02-15 The Sun in a Net Fajolo (voice)
1963-01-01 Elixír života