Ferran Rañé

Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2024-12-25 La gran nit de Dagoll Dagom
2024-03-08 Little Loves Enrique
2024-02-14 What About Love
2023-11-01 Jokes & Cigarettes Executive
2023-04-25 Palentian Song Sinesio
2021-02-26 Crazy About Her Rodri
2018-11-23 Superlopez General Skorba
2018-06-29 Formentera Lady Joan
2013-05-14 Grieta en la Oscuridad Ángel Millán
2012-05-14 Radiacions
2007-10-28 El pallasso i el Führer
2005-03-12 To Die in San Hilario Teodoro
2002-04-11 The Shanghai Spell Fascista
1997-01-30 Excuse Me Darling, But Lucas Loved Me Miguel (as Ferran Rañe)
1992-03-17 Indescribable Pleasure Romá
1992-02-15 The Long Winter Maestro
1990-03-01 Warsaw Bridge Executiu
1989-10-20 El Rey del Mambo
1989-09-19 If They Tell You I Fell Taylor
1989-01-17 Dawn Breaks, Which Is No Small Thing Mariano
1988-01-27 Qui t’estima, Babel? Doctor Roig
1987-12-04 Una nit a Casa Blanca
1987-07-20 The Hidden Truth Galsworthy
1987-02-17 Sexy Radio Luis
1987-02-02 El Mikado Ko-Ko
1985-12-25 Glups!! Angelito / Aprenent / Pare / Avi / Traductor / Coronel / Ballarí
1984-01-31 Pa d’àngel Guàrdia civil
1983-09-09 Victòria! La gran aventura d'un poble
1983-02-14 Interior roig
1983-01-01 L’home ronyó