Viktor Nejedlý

Birthday: 1911-07-29
Deathday: 2001-07-04
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
1991-08-02 The Elementary School Porter
1989-01-09 Mark of Cain
1988-08-01 Pravidla kruhu Polda
1988-01-01 Figurky ze šmantů
1987-12-01 Young Edisons Kůrka
1987-10-01 Why?
1986-11-01 Antonyho šance Kobes
1984-12-01 Stav ztroskotání
1983-07-01 Od vraždy jenom krok ke lži
1983-07-01 Hearty Greetings from the Globe
1982-08-20 The Glass House Václavík
1981-10-02 The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians
1977-05-06 The Liberation of Prague Zdeněk Nejedlý
1968-06-07 The Terribly Sad Princess
1936-12-18 Páter Vojtěch